Castlebank Pt. 6

3 min readSep 1, 2022

“You say you resonate with us classic humans, why do you think we move on the way we do?”, The Doctor asked.
“Ontological Security.”
“You believe cementing your identity or legacy is… useless?”
“I know it is, flip through them like suits, that's the fun part.”
“But Professor one would lose themself,” she retorted.
“Not if they stay grounded. Stay grounded, use these different identities to know more and thus expanding your roots thus holding your footing stronger.”
She laughs to herself, writes on her pad and adds, “How are you sure that your ideologies aren’t a psychosis despite your meta human abilities? You may just be a next step in evolution that science is yet to figure out.”

“That’s the beauty. I don’t. How do you know that you’re actually here questioning an unusually powered psycho? Do you remember when AI was sort of in its conception and this interview with a Wapoodle engineer and GaMMA AI.”

“That is a cliched response and yes, I remember that. I was in middle school when that first hit the news. I’m dying to see how you’ll make the connection with this tangent.”

“I was in graduate school then. By the end of the interview, Bill Lemon was convinced gaMMA AI was sentient.”

“And your point is?”

“Most humans think ‘alive’ and expect blood, how often do you ontologically forget plants are alive, as well? Just like when you…




Let us conquer the barrier between consciousness and reality --disk scratch-- you know what, pull the plug